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Would You Be Shackled by Golden Handcuffs Without Knowing It?
In today’s cutthroat job market, businesses are always on the lookout for ways to keep their top talent from jumping ship. One of the most effective—and potentially insidious—tools they use is something known as ‘golden handcuffs.’ If you've ever wondered why you feel financially stuck in your job, you might just be wearing a pair. Let's break this down and see how it all works, how it affects you, and if you’re unknowingly shackled by these golden chains. What Exactly Are Golden Handcuffs? Golden handcuffs are those enticing financial incentives your employer dangles to keep you glued to your desk. Think stock options, deferred bonuses, or lush retirement plans. These perks vest over time, making it financially painful to leave your job. It's the corporate world's...
Why moving to Dubai is a no brainer!
Yes, I am in Dubai! After moving here for 1.5 years, I think it’s the right time for me to write an account of my experience. I can now personally vouch for the incredible opportunities and lifestyle this city has to offer. Moving to Dubai, is it a Yes or No? It’s definitely a Yes for me!  Why Dubai? For both businesses and professionals Government Initiatives: Dubai government shows commitment to innovation and economic growth. There are also various free zones in Dubai, such as Dubai Internet City and Dubai Media City allowing 100% foreign ownership and zero customs duties. Programs like the Dubai Future Foundation and the Dubai Industrial Strategy 2030 are designed to support businesses and entrepreneurs. Ranked 16th globally in the World Bank’s Doing Business Report 2020, th...
Combating talent shortages in Hong Kong: Offshoring vs. International Hiring
Talent shortage is slowly killing businesses in Hong Kong. A recent studyreveals that 69% of companies in Hong Kong expressed difficulty in recruiting talent compared to 5 years ago, citing ‘difficult to recruit capable talent’(60%), ‘the raised expectation for salary and benefits’(58%), ‘difficult to recruit experienced talent’ (48%), and ‘candidates move out of HK’(46%) as the top 4 reasons. To tackle this challenge? More and more companies are turning to offshoring and international hiring. But what do these strategies entail, and which one should you choose? Let’s dive in.   What is Offshoring? Offshoring is moving part of your business activities to other countries, typically, to countries with lower living expenses. Examples include setting up overseas call centres, customer s...
Shout Out to Long Term Employees
In case you didn’t catch it, by ‘furniture’ I mean becoming a permanent fixture, a figurative way of saying you have stayed in the company so long that you have blended into the décor.   Many workers are aware that if they stay too long at one company, without moving up or getting a raise, can make it tougher to land future jobs. Yet, more often than not, we see people clinging to their jobs. Here’s why they might choose to stay put: The cultural phenomenon of ‘Tang Ping’ —lying flat— reflects the powerlessness this generation faces in climbing the social ladder. Employees didn’t push for career advancement because they felt stuck in a rut. Running on autopilot is comfortable. It’s scary to pick up new skills, meet new people and adapt to a different workflow. The bond with existi...
Are you the next one ‘falling-into’ recruitment? Do not become a recruiter until you have read this.
No one would dream of being a recruiter, but they would have ‘fallen into’ it I get phone calls every so often. This is how the conversation typically plays out. ‘Hi, how are you doing? It’s been a while!’  the other side asks. ‘Not bad, you?’ I reply. ‘I have been jobless for a while and wonder if I should be making a pivot into recruitment.’ No matter what industry they’re coming from, many individuals believe they can transition into recruiting at any given point in their career. Why is recruitment so attractive? It is true that the recruitment industry has a very low entry barrier. While you won’t require any formal qualifications to become a recruiter, the earning potential is massive. Recruitment agencies take a cut of 18-25% of the annual salary for successfully placing a...
The sales psychology you need to know to perfect your art of persuasion
Everyone is a salesperson.  Whether you are motivating a team to come up with a solution, asking your employer for a pay rise, or planning a night out with friends, you are trying to influence others with your negotiation and persuasion skills. These skills are crucial in fostering positive connections in both your career and personal life. These skills have, in fact, been widely applied in sales for decades. Studies show that it is primarily our emotional brain, not our rational brain, that drives our purchasing decisions.  By understanding how these strategies access our emotional brains, you can also subtly guide individuals towards desired outcomes without triggering resistance or skepticism. We like people who are like us Our brain naturally prefers what is familiar. Skills ...
Tackling Managerial Challenges of Our Time
Getting leadership training too late Let’s face it. We have fallen flat on our faces in leadership training. Harvard Business Reviews shows that on average, people only get their leadership training after being in a supervisory role for a decade!   Managers developed bad managerial habits, which got ingrained during the untrained period. Pouring more money into leadership training programmes doesn’t churn out better leaders because it’s often too late for the managers to unlearn their bad habits.   The three types of problematic managers As a recruiter, it is my job to understand why people want to leave their company. The most common reason provided is the presence of inadequate leaders. There are usually three types of problematic managers. On one end of the spectrum are those o...
Essential FAQs for Job Changers: What You Need to Know
Transitioning to a new job is among life’s most stressful events, often accompanied with a plethora of questions. These are the questions you don’t want to ask your colleagues because you don’t want words spreading prematurely — many would keep their intention to resign confidential until their plans are solidified.  Drawing from my experience as a recruiter supporting numerous candidates through their job changes, I ‘ve compiled this FAQ to address the nitty-gritty about notice period, bonus payout and other matters that surprisingly elude many.   Notice period Can I use my annual leave to offset my notice period? Depending on specifics outlined in your employment contract and pending HR’s final approval, many organizations offer employees the option to use accrued annual leav...
Strategies for Turning Job Search Blues into Triumphs
No matter where you are in the process, job search can wear your self-esteem down. It involves a pendulum of emotions — remember the cringe-inducing moment when you receive the LinkedIn updates about your connections landing on their next professional milestone?   The stress of job search can translate into physical ailments. Job search fatigue is a real thing and if you have experienced symptoms like emotional exhaustion, increased irritability, difficulty in concentrating, or sleep disturbances in your job-hunting process, you are not alone.   Tips to Navigate Job Search Fatigue Identify the causes Are you deflated because you have not heard back regarding your applications, or from your connections within the company you are interested in applying to? Or you have lost steam...
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